What do hospice volunteers do?
Hospice volunteers are an integral part of the hospice team. Watch this 5-minute video to hear personal experiences of hospice volunteers at Hospice of Michigan. Are you ready to become a hospice volunteer?
Hospice volunteers are an integral part of the hospice team. Watch this 5-minute video to hear personal experiences of hospice volunteers at Hospice of Michigan. Are you ready to become a hospice volunteer?
Death is shocking. Although we may know that a loved one is seriously ill or close to dying, the finality of death can feel unreal. Death is a harsh reality to grasp. It can feel like a disturbing dream or a nightmare. We wish we could wake up and be free of this unwanted reality,…
The death of a child is a deeply troubling loss that challenges parents and families on many levels. A child’s death is a family loss and can upset the entire family dynamic, potentially making it difficult to get support from those around you as each person copes differently with their deeply personal sense of loss….
For those who are grieving, special days such as holidays and anniversaries associated with the deceased can be especially hard. Acknowledging the challenge of facing these days does not make a potentially difficult time any easier, but preparing for them by tapping into helpful coping strategies may provide some much-needed comfort. Follow these “three Cs”…
Parents whose children precede them in death may feel a lack of support, in part because it is focused on other survivors, such as the child’s spouse or children, and in part because there simply is little recognition of the powerful and continuing bond that exists between parent and child, even after the child is…
Caregivers as well as patients experience multiple losses throughout the disease processes of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Sometimes, these losses can continue for years, finally resulting in loss of the physical person. This piece addresses such loss. “I don’t understand it,” Marla said, “I lost him years ago to Alzheimer’s disease. There even came a…
A few years ago, a student complained to me that her mother was prescribed medication to help cope with the death of her husband. She was outraged, stating that her mother should not and could not hide from her grief by taking medication. Expecting that I would readily agree with her, she asked my opinion,…
If you are looking for a hospice that has received training in issues related to caring for the LGBT community click here to use this helpful tool developed by the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging. The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging as developed “Ten Tips on Finding LGBT-Affirming Services” as a helpful tool in accessing affirming…
Helen and her sister, Ellen, had both been widowed recently. In their grief, they turned to a community bereavement counselor at their local hospice program. Among other things, they reported they were perplexed by people who said things that weren’t at all helpful to them. For example, after her husband died, Helen was told by…
The spiritual aspect of the journey through end of life is an important part of palliative care offered through hospice, as discussed on HFAs television special “Hospice – Something More.”
Karen Jones, a young wife, mom and marathon runner living with advanced cancer shared her hospice experience on HFA’s television special, “Hospice – Something More.”
This educational program explores medical, legal, ethical issues, and communication barriers that surround ANH.
Do all patients benefit from artificial nutrition and hydration?
Whether you’re a patient, family member, or a friend trying to determine whether hospice is the right choice, HFA is here. We provide guidance before, during, and after the important decisions are made.
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