Dignity Therapy: Honoring a Patient’s Life Story and Legacy


While hospice and palliative care is multidimensional, its overall goals are relief of human suffering and improvement of quality of life. One aspect of this care is providing dignity seriously ill persons, recognizing them as unique human beings. Join renowned clinicians Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov and Dr. Susan Bluck to discuss work and research focusing on how using Dignity Therapy (DT) to help patients examine how they narrate their life and legacy can provide communion with others, the opportunity to make meaning of challenging events, and a sense of purpose. *Please note this is not a Dignity Therapy training course.


Continuing Education
An exam is required to obtain CE hours for this course. If you do not need CE certification, or if you would like a certificate of attendance only, please click here.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Illustrate how considerations of dignity inform person centered care.
  2. Define the theoretical and empirical basis of Dignity Therapy
  3. Identify and describe the elements of Intensive Caring.