Adverse Childhood Experiences as a Risk Factor for Complicated Grief


Current research is showing links between trauma and poor physical and psychological outcomes, including at the end of life and during bereavement. Dr. Burke and Dr. Crunk will discuss the clinical implications of the relation between adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and complicated grief and offer some recommendations for intervention. They will also provide ways to incorporate trauma assessment and intervention into bereavement settings.

Program Viewing
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Continuing Education

An exam is required to obtain CE hours for this course. If you do not need CE certification, or if you would like a certificate of attendance only, please click here.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the risks they pose for increased physical and psychological distress in adulthood
  2. Recognize the relation between complicated grief (CG) and ACEs
  3. Consider trauma-informed strategies to incorporate into clinical practice when working with ACEs- and trauma-exposed bereaved clients