Madeleine Hardt is a postdoctoral associate at Weill Cornell Medicine in Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine’s T32 training program. Hardt earned her PhD in clinical psychology with a health emphasis at the University of Missouri – Kansas City. She completed her clinical internship (residency) in behavioral medicine at Yale School of Medicine, where her training emphasized working on interdisciplinary teams within palliative medicine, chronic pain, oncology, cardiovascular medicine, and transplant. She is interested in prevention and early intervention development with patients and caregivers affected by chronic or life-limiting illness; she centers her work on understanding psychological mechanisms associated with health behaviors and outcomes in the context of significant stress and loss. Hardt’s long-term research goals involve the implementation of sustainable, early interventions promoting resiliency and well-being for patients and caregivers in the context of chronic or life-limiting illness.