Lara Moretti educates hospitals, schools and various professional groups about grief, donation and transplantation in her role as Director, Family Support Services for Gift of Life Donor Program in Philadelphia, PA. Moretti has been with Gift of Life since 2003 where she oversees a team of licensed social workers and professional counselors who provide grief counseling and bereavement support to the families of organ, tissue and cornea donors. She has presented to numerous national organizations, including the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO), The Organization for Donation and Transplant Professionals (NATCO), Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO), Association of Death Education and Counseling (ADEC), the Society for Transplant Social Workers, Transplant Games of America, and for the Gift of Life Institute. Several times a year, Moretti leads a didactic, “Communicating with a Grieving Family” for all new clinical staff at Gift of Life Donor Program.