Bryan Harnetiaux

Bryan Harnetiaux has been a Playwright-in-Residence at Spokane Civic Theatre in Spokane, Washington, since 1982. Thirteen of his plays have been published; these works include commissioned stage adaptations of Ernest Hemingway’s The Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Killers, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s Long Walk to Forever, all published by The Dramatic Publishing Company. His play National Pastime, about the breaking of the color line in major league baseball in 1947, has received many productions, including an Equity waiver production at Fremont Centre Theatre in South Pasadena, California and Equity production at (former) Stamford Theatre of NYC. Harnetiaux has a cycle of plays on end-of-life, Vesta, Dusk, and Holding On ~ Letting Go. All of these end-of-life plays (Holding On ~ Letting Go in abridged form) are licensed in clinical settings addressing end-of-life issues (medical and professional conferences, etc.) through Hospice Foundation of America. More recently, Bryan has written 10-minute plays for HFA’s The AD Project (LILY, GIL and ROOM 402) related to decision-making regarding advance directives. These plays were developed with extensive help and guidance from HFA, and are also available for licensing for educational purposes through HFA. Bryan is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America.