Hospice Foundation of America educates the public and health care professionals about death, dying and grief. HFA brings together the nation’s leading experts to contribute to the content of HFA's books, web-based tutorials and programs, and videos. Hospice Foundation of America also funds research about hospice care, supports specific hospice and/or grief initiatives (such as children’s grief camps), and financially assists hospice providers in times of disaster. Hospice Foundation of America is funded through the generosity of donors and sponsors, sales of its award-winning books, videos and publications. Hospice Foundation of America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Although the number of people choosing hospice is growing each year - more than 1.1 million in 2012 (the most recent statistic available), there remain misconceptions about many aspects of death and dying, care options, and how palliative care and hospice care can help. Many families have questions about when hospice care is appropriate, how to access hospice care, and how much hospice care costs. Grief is often overlooked, misunderstood and undervalued in terms of its impact on individuals and society. HFA strives to inform people of their options when they are facing a life-limiting illness, how hospice can help make the journey easier, and how to cope with grief.
Life-limiting Illness Resources Grief Support Ask HFA Volunteer Resources Find a Hospice
For 40 years, Hospice Foundation of America has educated professionals who work with patients and families facing life-limiting illness. Living with Grief®, HFA's signature professional development series, addresses a different topic each year and draws an audience of thousands of organizations. With an emphasis on psychosocial aspects of the dying process, HFA’s Living with Grief® programs offer continuing education credit from more than 60 professional boards. Webinars, interviews with professionals, free resources for downloads and community presentations are also available to clinical professionals looking for tools to enhance their knowledge and practice.
HFA Programs Continuing Education Experts Talk EOL Care Self-Care for Clinicians
HFA educates the public and healthcare professionals about advance care planning, hospice care, and grief. Expert speakers are available for a wide range of topics. Please contact us at educate@hospicefoundation.org if you are interested in retaining a speaker or speakers for an upcoming in-person or virtual event.
Hospice: Something More A rare glimpse into the lives of hospice patients.
Quality Hospice Care Looking for a hospice provider? Here are suggestions for things to consider.