Thank you for visiting HFA’s Message Boards.
Caregiving is an unselfish act of love and kindness that cuts across all cultures. The role of caregiver is increasingly recognized for its importance, as well as for the physical, mental and emotional challenges it embodies. Equally important is the recognition that caregivers must have access to support that addresses their fears, frustration, anger, hopelessness and feeling of isolation.
Our goal is to provide a safe place where caregivers and grievers can connect with others to ask questions, share experiences, and offer mutual support.
There is no cost to become a part of our online community – we ask only that you observe some simple, common sense rules:
Also, please understand that all posts will be reviewed by the Administrator before being displayed in the forum. If you need help immediately for you or another person, call 911. This forum is not a substitute for medical or other professional help. If your grief becomes overwhelming and you are considering hurting yourself or others, seek emergency professional help now or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.