
Press Release

Soul Injury Captivates Audiences Nationwide

WASHINGTON, May 3—Soul Injury, a ground-breaking program from Opus Peace, is sweeping the nation with its powerful message about unmourned grief and unforgiven guilt. Currently, there are more than 335 Soul Injury host sites nationwide, and the number of viewing sites grows daily.
Response to the program, produced by Opus Peace in partnership with Hospice Foundation of America, has been overwhelmingly positive, and resonates with a variety of audiences, including professional and family caregivers; first responders; veterans; people who have struggled with their own or a loved one’s serious illness; victims of accidents, abuse, or other traumas; the bereaved; civilians who have lived in war zones, and those who have been marginalized by society or other relationships.
In the four months that Soul Injury has been available from HFA, it has produced a profound effect on those who have experienced its message about both traumatic and insidious soul injuries.
“As soon as I saw the words ‘Soul Injury’ I knew I needed to attend the webcast. I had never heard the term before, but I identified with it. Viewing the webcast opened a door for me to start healing from abuse I suffered earlier in life,” wrote one Soul Injury attendee.
A Soul Injury site organizer reported after showing the program to a group of hospice professionals: “All I can say is WOW! What an overwhelmingly positive response. There was a lot of energy around taking the message of Soul Injury forward. Thank you for creating this training…what a gift.” 
Soul Injury is presented by national lecturer Deborah Grassman, a former Veterans Affairs advanced practice nurse with over 30 years of experience working with dying veterans. Grassman and her Opus Peace colleagues cared for tens of thousands of veterans at the end of life, and what they learned from those veterans provides much of the basis for Soul Injury.
Grassman defines a soul injury, which can be both traumatic and insidious, as “a penetrating breach of integrity within our deepest self that pierces beyond the defenses of our ego.” Soul injuries often include:
  • a disruption of a person’s fundamental identity that shrinks their sense of goodness/beauty and fuels a haunting sense that they           are defective/tainted
  • a sense of betrayal by another person, themselves, an organization, God, their religion, government
  • a vague or profound sense of emptiness caused by disconnection from the part of self carrying the pain
Soul Injury is available as both an on-demand webcast ($29) and a DVD ($59) only through Hospice Foundation of America. Attendees can receive 2 CEs from a number of professional boards for $10 after viewing this 94-minute program. For more information or to order the program, please visit hospicefoundation.org, soulinjury.org, or call HFA at 800-854-3402.